The Super Cub will haul one passenger with a full load totaling 400LBS. Super Cubs are known for their short landings and takeoffs off of small runways. This aircraft allows passengers to get into the most remote areas that Alaska has to offer. This aircraft can be chartered from all major runways as well as off runways that are approved by the Pilot. All off runway flights will be made at the Pilot discretion.
Super Cub is available for Charter for an hourly rate of $400.00
We also offer air charter services for Oil Companies & Colleges
- Quick & Reliable
- No Reservations Needed -
- Can Shuttle
Passenger -
- Haul Gear -
- Permitted to be able to Drop off Hunters
Super Cub is available for Charter for an hourly rate of $400.00
We also offer air charter services for Oil Companies & Colleges
- Quick & Reliable
- No Reservations Needed -
- Can Shuttle
Passenger -
- Haul Gear -
- Permitted to be able to Drop off Hunters